Pi Day and the Irrationality of Greif


Pi Day and the Irrationality of Greif

Today is Pi day. It is 3/14 just like 3.14 is the numerical representation of Pi. This day was a day that Kody and I always celebrated. We probably shared this day more than any other holiday.

I think it was my family and friend group that introduced Kody to Pi Day. In high school, the celebration always included multiple types of pie and sometimes even a meal that was also pie themed. We invited Kody to many of these parties, but it wasn’t always so formal. I know one year we sat in the Safeway parking lot and ate store bought pie with plastic forks.

Our Friend Shannon’s Special Pi Day Pie

In our house as a couple, we’d always do something for the day. We often made quiche and homemade pie. Sometimes we’d just cook some pot pies and order a pie in. Either way it was special.

Kody always got so excited about Pi day. What after all could be more rational than celebrating an irrational number with pie? It was one of those quirky things that we shared and spread to friends and family members. We’d wear Pi themed shirts and buy new ones each year. It was almost a bigger deal for us than Christmas.

I wasn’t planning on celebrating this year. After everything that’s happened, I didn’t know if I’d have the energy. However, I realized this was as irrational as pi. Celebrating this day is so important. Now more than ever. This year, I’m doing pi day alone. But maybe next year I’ll have more energy for it and the energy to include more people.

A big part of greif is setting that aside to celebrate the memories and the special moments. So today I’m doing Pi day in honor of Kody. In the future, I’ll hopefully do it more for me and for the joy of it. But for now, I’m taking greif one step at a time.