Memories of the Past Live on in an Old Pair of Shoes


Memories of the Past Live on in an Old Pair of Shoes

I was going through my car the other day, removing what I don’t need during this next season of the year. In one of the bags, I found a pair of shoes, a backup pair from many years ago. These triggered numerous memories of the past.

If shoes could talk, these shoes would have many stories to tell. This particular pair was one of my first pairs of Asics. Kody always loved this shoe brand and introduced me to them many years ago. They are perfect for wide feet. As someone who suffered for years with running shoes from other brands that are far too narrow, this brand is a huge relief.

black and red leather puma lace up high top shoes
Photo by yasvanth kumar on

This pair is the pair that I wore to the YMCA by our house in Monroe. It’s the pair that I wore as Kody and I trained for a 5k. This 5k was one hosted by The Oatmeal known as Beat the Blerch. We worked so hard during the months leading up to the event. Running that 5k was challenging even with all the training. But finishing this was a huge accomplishment for both of us.

These are the shoes that I took to Ocean Shores on our last trip there together. The shoes were ones that I wore on the beach each day. Kody loved the ocean. He would run straight out into the waves as they rushed in to meet him on the shore. Our dog Leo would chase him in, often surprised by the rush of water. During that last trip we had Leo swimming at the beach, following Kody out into the water. A big accomplishment for a little corgi who hates water.

Looking at these shoes, I am emersed in memories of the past. Sand clings to the smallest gaps in the shoes from that last trip. All the running wore the soles of these to practically nothing in terms of support. I replaced the laces chewed by our dog when he was just a pup.

I should throw the shoes away now, but how do I just let them go? They are not just shoes, but memories of the past.