LGBTQIA+ Community: Creating a Safe Space for All


LGBTQIA+ Community: Creating a Safe Space for All

I hope that most people reading this are aware that June is pride month. I couldn’t let the whole of the month go by without some reflections on the LGBTQIA+ community. So many letters now. As I have previously discussed the LGBTQIA+ community is disproportionally effected by suicide. This is especially tragic to me as I know so many remarkable and unique people in this community. Bringing down the death tole associated with gender, sexuality, and struggles with personal identity is extremely important.

When I think about Kody, I can’t help getting his story mixed up in that of other people in this community. Kody created a safe space for many friends in this community. I remember him telling me about his roommate coming out to him, one of the first people in the military he told in the don’t ask don’t tell phase. Over the years, more people we both knew personally found him to be a safe space to talk.

Kody didn’t care about gender fluidity or sexuality. Well, that’s not exactly what I mean. He cared very much. However, what he cared about was being a safe space for people in the LGBTQIA+ community. When someone came out to Kody, he greeted them with a nonjudgmental and open attitude. He would always embrace someone who was struggling with a world that was less respectful of the persons innate self.

So many people over the years confided in Kody. He was the kind of person that you could trust with anything. Easy to talk to and easy going, it seemed like nothing could have shocked him. Any kink, any romantic rendezvous, he was willing to discuss. In losing Kody, the LGBTQIA+ community has lost an incredible member. I wish so much that Kody were able to celebrate this pride month. In some way, he has been here for all of us this month. I just feel that were he alive, this month would have been so much brighter.