Easter Memories and the Promise of Resurrection


Easter Memories and the Promise of Resurrection

Easter has arrived. This particular holiday used to be one that was filled with family, laughter, and deviled eggs. The last Easter I spent with Kody was during an especially dark period for him. It was very close to when he left. It was a weird Easter all around.

colorful easter eggs in carton
Photo by Anna Tis on Pexels.com

I remember going over to his dad’s house. It was pouring rain, so egg hunting took place inside. His nieces and nephew had a good time running around the house. Kody was a ghost, forcing smiles in the corner, but not laughing as he usually did.

The Easter before that we had a much better time. The sun was shining and his smile was real. We hid the eggs around the yard and he teased me for making it too hard. He joked with his sisters and snuck deviled eggs from the tray. A different Kody all together.

Kody had so much fun dying eggs each year. He didn’t feel he was very talented when it came to art, but he was willing to join in when we died eggs each year. He drew on the eggs with crayon and dropped them into the dye mixes. He drew patterns from Legend of Zelda and smiled when they came out looking great. His art never lasted long as he loved to crack the eggs and eat them.

This Easter I think about all the holiday celebrates. Resurrection and rebirth. The promise of something beyond death. It reminds me that Kody lives on in all of us. We get to live with his mischievous spirit, his joyful laughter, and his shining smile for all our lives.