Lessons Learned from My Brother


Lessons Learned from My Brother

When I was in high school, Kody and I were close. So close, that we referred to each other as brother and sister. This helped to explain our relationship to other people since we weren’t dating, but hung out all the time and talked to each other on a regular basis. We loved calling each other brother and sister as it really gave a definition on the relationship. We felt like more than best friends, but we were not romantically involved. Later, Kody often joked about our “incestuous relationship.” But there were so many lessons learned from my brother during that time before we ever dated.

This was really how the relationship was to us when we were both in high school and after when he went off to the Navy. All my life, I had wanted a big brother and he fit perfectly into that role. He taught me all the lessons that brothers are supposed to teach you. And I don’t mean cheesy things like strength and patience. Although, he taught me those things as well. I mean all the gross things you learn from hanging out around boys.

Kody taught me how snot rockets worked on all those long walks we took together. He told me all about peeing in the shower. How this was obviously a great way to save water (yuck). He talked about clean poops. The kind where you wipe and there’s no residue left behind, something he described as the perfect poop. Kody showed me that boys were gross and also that it was okay that they were. An important lesson to learn as a teenager for sure.

We’d have Nerf gun wars all over the house. Whenever it was just a bit too quiet, he’d flick a rubber band at me. Kody took me into the world that all little sisters get to know. A world where there are fart jokes, pranks, and everything that drives you crazy. We fought like siblings do, getting mad at each other over the stupidest things. I would give my opinion on something he was doing in his life and he would get angry. Then I’d do something equally as stupid. He teased me relentlessly for it, until I’d be completely annoyed. We’d argue over silly things, never anything really real. It was more fun than real sibling rivalry, since at the end of the day we could just walk away and retreat to our own homes.

Kody always gave the best hugs. Whenever we went our separate ways, he’d hug me tight and then just as a laugh, pick me up. He knew I hated being lifted off the ground. It was the perfect brother mess around, showing love the one moment and then being a pain the next. All the lessons learned from my brother helped to shape who I was. Before I met Kody, I was much more shy and quiet around people I didn’t know. He helped to bring me out of my shell, to build my confidence.

In high school and after, I really enjoyed Kody’s role as the brother I’d never had. The lessons I learned from him then are ones that I have taken with me into my adult life. While some of them are silly, I am forever grateful for all of the amazing lessons I learned from my big brother.