Our Secret Elopement: Choosing Our Own Path


Our Secret Elopement: Choosing Our Own Path

The day Kody and I got engaged was exciting for both of us. There were few days where I saw him so happy. In the days after our engagement, we began to talk a lot more about what we wanted from a wedding. Kody felt very anxious about the paperwork part of it. I wasn’t exactly excited about that part either. If I was being honest with myself, what I really wanted in a wedding was just to get married to Kody without all the stress and anxiety of a typical wedding. This lead to our secret elopement.

I don’t remember exactly how it came about, but at some point we decided that the best way for us to get what we wanted and also to celebrate with family and friends was to have a wedding before the wedding. Today is the anniversary of our first wedding. We set up the secret elopement with an officiant and travelled over to the islands to marry in Port Gamble. We chose a beautiful location at a small park with a beautiful tree overlooking the bay.

As an added bonus, the elopement allowed us to include one of Kody’s good friends. John was in town in June, but would be underway on an aircraft carrier in September when our wedding with friends and family was scheduled. I remember being so nervous when we went over on the ferry. It was exciting to think of being married, but at the same time it was scary. I knew who Kody was and wasn’t sure what all the future would hold. I was still so excited to be married to my best friend.

We were able to meet up with Kody’s friend in Port Gamble and spent the time prior to our ceremony just exploring the little town and the general store that was close to the park. The ceremony was everything we wanted, quiet, intimate, and special. Kody read me his vows for the first time and I shared mine with him. Both of us shared hope for a beautiful future. He kept those vows in his wallet from that day forward. They were with him everywhere he went and he read them on a regular basis.

After our ceremony we took cupcakes and apple cider to the park and celebrated with a few friends. We were both so happy. The paperwork was all taken care of and we were able to celebrate with just us and a few friends. This took a whole lot of anxiety away from the ceremony in September. Kody and I were able to go into our larger wedding ceremony without any added stress, knowing we were already married no matter what happened. It allowed Kody to enjoy both days more fully.

Looking back on our secret elopement is challenging now, since on the other side of the marriage, it looks different to me. I still cherish the ceremony and the vows we shared that day. Even though we didn’t stay married, even though he is gone now, it was the perfect moment at that time.